
2023年6月16日—Easy-to-useinterfacewithintuitivecontrols.Batchprocessingtooptimizemultiplefilesatonce.Regularupdatestosupportnewfiletypes ...,Ihavepublishedanewfilerecompressor.Infactitislikeinothersimilartools,onlyaGUItoseveralcommandlineutilitiesthatdothe ...,2024年1月9日—IntroductionFileOptimizerisanadvancedfileoptimizerfeaturingalossless(noqualityloss)filesizereductionthatsupports:.3G2, ......

File Optimizer

2023年6月16日 — Easy-to-use interface with intuitive controls. Batch processing to optimize multiple files at once. Regular updates to support new file types ...


I have published a new file recompressor. In fact it is like in other similar tools, only a GUI to several command line utilities that do the ...


2024年1月9日 — Introduction FileOptimizer is an advanced file optimizer featuring a lossless (no quality loss) file size reduction that supports: .3G2, ...

FileOptimizer 15.40.2677

2022年2月7日 — FileOptimizer is a lossless file size optimizer supporting AIR, APK, APNG APPX, BMP, CBZ, CHM, DOCX, DIB, DLL, EPUB, EXE, FAX, GIF, GZ, ICO, ...

FileOptimizer 15.80.2721

FileOptimizer is a lossless file size optimizer supporting a variety of formats. It accepts images, videos, HTML files, documents, etc.

FileOptimizer 16.50.2809 + Portable + Repack + Rus

Simplified ECT multithreading, because it already knows the number of threads to use. Retested in Windows XP RTM, and Windows 10 Anniversary. Updated help file.

FileOptimizer 的旧版本(Windows)

如果你需要回退到FileOptimizer较早的版本,请在Uptodown查询程序的历史版本。这里包含该程序所有可从Uptodown下载的历史版本。下载适用于Windows的旧版FileOptimizer 。

Nikkho download

2024年2月28日 — FileOptimizer running under WINE with macOS Sierra ... French, Dutch, English, German, Spanish, Russian ... file optimizer · winmerge japanese ...